Wednesday, December 1, 2010


I always have a hard time before hand figuring out what I want to post about, but once I actually sit down, it doesn't seem that hard.
This post is about books.
Someday ... this will be in my house.
I love books. I love the smell of books, the look of books on my shelf, the way I feel when I read the last words of a book that I have been really into. I slip into a book really easily (well, a good book), and I hate it when I am yanked out of it to go back to the real world. Especially when I'm reading on my lunch break and I have to go back to hell. The alternate realities of books is fascinating, as well as how much I feel like I'm a part of it while I'm reading it. I want to have a library one day. A room dedicated just to books and their awesomeness.
While I was in school and teachers would assign certain books to read, I would always want to read them...but I rarely ever did. I think I read the Odyssey and...that quite possibly is one of the only books in college that I was assigned to read and actually finished. I read lots of those books later, but in the duration of class, I always had trouble. I always thought that after I finished school when I didn't have papers and tests to worry about that I would read more...and I was right. I have always read more outside of school. I think it's because I have to be in the mood to read a book. I have so many that I own that I haven't read, and it's because the mood really does have to strike me to read any book.
I just read the Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath and it was amazing. I can absolutely see how other people wouldn't like it, but I thought it was captivating and I really felt an connection with the narrator. For me, that's what a good book is. Something that draws me in and keeps me there in the story, right with her as she's walking around her house looking for something to tie the silk rope that is hanging around her neck to so that she can kill herself. And I love historical pieces (ok, the 50s weren't that long ago, but I wasn't alive during them, and Sylvia Plath was older than my parents, so it's even a little before their time) written by authors that lived during that time period, so that you can really get a feel for what things were actually like then.
What's my favorite book? Emma by Jane Austen. Hands down.
BBC Emma
The BEST film version of the novel I have seen.
Jane Austen, as always, has wit and humor that rivals all other authors I have read, and her heroine (if you can really call her that...) Emma is unique in the sense that she is so ridiculously flawed, it's a marvel that Mr. Knightley could ever be in love with her, but then you realize that he sees through to the inner Emma that shines though at the end of the novel when she grows up and sheds most of those flaws that you have watched her struggle with through the entire story. THAT'S why I love Emma so much! She progresses and overcomes herself and all of her imperfections - which is what we all need to do. It's more than girl meets boy and then girl and boy hook up, but then split up, but then end up together in the end (which is the plot line of 95% of the romantic comedies in the world). It's so much more.
My dream job
One day I will live in a place like this and I'll be able to read all day.

Alright, I'm done.

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